
What to do when you’ve inherited a property

Inheriting a property is a moment filled with mixed emotions. While it often signifies the loss of a loved one, it also marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life, laden with decisions to be made about the future of the property. 

This guide aims to navigate you through these choices with compassion, clarity, and care, ensuring you’re well-informed and supported every step of the way.

Why assessing your financial and emotional state matters

Inheriting property can be overwhelming, not just financially but emotionally. Before making any decisions, it’s crucial to assess your current state. Financially, consider your ability to maintain the property, including mortgage payments, taxes, and upkeep. 

Emotionally, reflect on your readiness to manage the property, whether keeping, selling, or renting. This period of reflection ensures that your decisions align with both your financial capacity and emotional wellbeing.

Understanding the legal and financial processes

Navigating the legal and financial processes is a critical step in managing inherited property.

Inheritance tax

In the UK, inheritance tax may be applicable depending on the value of the estate. It’s essential to understand these obligations and how they affect the inheritance. Consulting with a tax advisor can provide clarity and help plan accordingly.

Paying off debts

Any debts owed by the deceased, including mortgages, need to be settled. Often, these can be cleared using the estate’s assets, but it’s important to prioritise these payments to avoid additional stress.

Probate and legal standing

Probate is the legal process that recognizes a will’s validity and grants the executor the right to distribute the estate. Understanding whether probate is required and how it affects the timeline of managing the inherited property is essential.

What to do with an inherited property

Once you’ve navigated the initial legal and financial hurdles, deciding what to do with the property is next.

Keep the property

Keeping the property may be an option, whether as a home for yourself or as a sentimental keepsake. Consider the financial implications, including maintenance costs and taxes.

Sell the property

Selling can provide a financial boost and relieve the burden of property maintenance. It’s essential to understand the market and work with trusted professionals to ensure a smooth process.

Rent the property

Renting out the property can offer a steady income stream. It requires management, whether you take this on yourself or use a property management company, and understanding landlord responsibilities.

How to prepare an inherited property for sale or rent

Preparing the property involves more than just a fresh coat of paint. Decluttering, making necessary repairs, and even staging the home can significantly impact its appeal to potential buyers or renters. Consulting with real estate professionals can offer valuable insights into maximising the property’s value.

The importance of taking your time with an inherited property

Rushing into decisions can lead to regrets. It’s crucial to allow yourself time to grieve and not feel pressured into quick decisions about the property’s future. 

Gathering all necessary information and consulting with professionals can help you make informed choices when you’re ready.

Inherited property FAQs

This section addresses common questions about inheriting property.

Do I have to pay taxes on an inherited property?

Yes, inheritance tax may be due depending on the estate’s value and your relationship to the deceased. There are allowances and thresholds, so professional advice is recommended.

What is probate, and how does it affect the inheritance process?

Probate is the legal process of settling the deceased’s estate, including validating the will and distributing assets. It’s necessary when the property is part of the estate, affecting how and when the property can be managed.

Can I sell the property I’ve inherited?

Yes, once any required probate process is completed, and all debts have been settled, you can sell the inherited property.

What if the property comes with a mortgage?

If there’s an outstanding mortgage, it needs to be paid off. This can often be done through the sale of the property or using the estate’s other assets.

How is the value of an inherited property determined?

The value is typically determined by a professional valuation, which is necessary for tax purposes and useful for sale or rental decisions.

How do I transfer the property title into my name?

Transferring the title involves legal processes, typically handled by a solicitor or conveyancer, to ensure everything is done correctly and legally.

Can the property be sold before probate is completed?

Generally, the property cannot be sold until the probate process is completed, as the legal title needs to be transferred to the executor or beneficiary.

What does it mean to inherit a share of a property?

Inheriting a share means you co-own the property with other beneficiaries. This situation may require agreement on whether to keep, sell, or rent the property.

Closing thoughts

Inheriting a property brings with it a complex web of emotional and financial decisions. At Sett Mortgages, we understand the sensitivity of these moments and are here not just as your mortgage broker, but as your guide through the complexities of property inheritance. 

Whether you’re considering selling, renting, or simply need advice on your next steps, our team is here to support you with expert advice tailored to your unique situation.

For more guidance or to discuss your options, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Remember, when dealing with an inherited property, taking the time to make informed decisions is key. Your financial well-being is important, and so is respecting the legacy left by your loved one.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.