
Ultimate Guide to Mortgage Porting

If you’re a prospective home buyer or considering remortgaging, you’ve probably come across the term “mortgage porting.” But what exactly does it mean? Is it a good idea for you? 

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about mortgage porting, from the basics to real-life examples. 

What does it mean to port a mortgage?

Mortgage porting refers to the process of transferring your existing mortgage from your current property to a new one. This can be especially handy if you’re planning to move and want to keep the same mortgage terms, interest rates, and other conditions. 

The goal is to avoid any early repayment charges that might occur if you were to end your existing mortgage prematurely.

How does mortgage porting work?

When you decide to port a mortgage, here’s how the process typically unfolds:

Contact your lender early

If you’re even remotely considering moving, it’s essential to get in touch with your lender as soon as possible. This will give you a clear understanding of the terms and conditions associated with porting your mortgage and whether you actually have a portable mortgage.

Assess your mortgage’s portability

Not all mortgages are portable, and the porting process can vary between lenders. Review your original mortgage agreement and consult your lender to determine if your mortgage is portable and what specific terms apply.

Financial assessment

Just like applying for a new mortgage, your lender will conduct a financial assessment to ensure you can afford the mortgage for the new property. This step involves evaluating your income, expenses, and credit history.

Property valuation

The new property will need to be valued to establish its market worth. This valuation influences the amount you’ll be allowed to port to the new mortgage.

Application and paperwork

Once your financial assessment and property valuation are complete, you’ll need to fill out an application for porting your mortgage. This involves paperwork similar to what you’d encounter when applying for a new mortgage.

Approval and offer

If everything checks out and your lender approves the porting process, they will extend a formal mortgage offer for the new property.

Legal process

Conveyancing solicitors will handle the legal work, including transferring the mortgage to the new property. This step might also involve the payment of stamp duty and other legal fees.

Why would you port a mortgage?

The decision to port a mortgage boils down to your financial goals and the terms of your current mortgage. Some reasons you might choose to port include:

  • Cost savings: Porting can save you money by avoiding penalties and potentially securing a better interest rate.
  • Stability: If you’re comfortable with your current lender and mortgage terms, porting provides stability during a potentially stressful moving period.
  • Efficiency: Porting simplifies the mortgage process, as it retains your existing terms without starting from scratch.

Real life mortgage porting example

Let’s walk through a quick porting mortgage example to illustrate how mortgage porting works in real life:

John and Emily purchased their first home five years ago, securing a mortgage with a fixed interest rate. Now, they’ve outgrown their current property and found a more suitable one. However, they’re concerned about the early repayment charges they might incur if they break their existing mortgage.

After contacting their lender, they learn that their mortgage is portable. Their lender evaluates their financial situation, including their increased income over the years, and values the new property they intend to buy. The lender offers them a new mortgage deal on the new property that maintains the favorable interest rate from their initial mortgage.

With the lender’s approval and the legal process completed, John and Emily successfully port their mortgage to their new home. By doing so, they avoid any early repayment penalties and enjoy the continued benefits of their original mortgage terms.

Is porting a mortgage a good idea?

Whether mortgage porting is a good idea depends on your individual circumstances. Here are a few scenarios where it might make sense:

  • Favourable terms: If you have an excellent interest rate and favorable terms on your current mortgage, porting can help you maintain those benefits.
  • Avoiding penalties: Porting can save you from hefty early repayment charges that could be incurred if you were to break your existing mortgage.
  • Market conditions: If you’re moving to a new property in a rising interest rate market, porting can shield you from higher rates.

Final thoughts

Mortgage porting can be a smart move for those looking to move without the hassle of changing mortgage terms. It’s essential, however, to carefully review your existing mortgage agreement, assess your financial situation, and work closely with your lender to ensure a smooth transition. 

If you’re unsure whether mortgage porting is the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to consult a mortgage advisor at Sett Mortgages. They can provide expert guidance tailored to your unique circumstances.

[Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional financial advice. Please consult with a qualified advisor before making any mortgage-related decisions.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.