
A guide to negotiating the best price for your home

Selling your home can be a daunting process, particularly when it comes to negotiating the best price. Whether you’re a seasoned seller or a first-time homeowner, having a solid negotiation strategy is crucial to ensuring you get the best possible deal. 

This guide will walk you through the essential steps and strategies to help you negotiate the best price for your home.

How to prepare for negotiation

Preparation is key to successful negotiation. By understanding the market and your home’s value, you can enter negotiations with confidence and knowledge.

Understand the market trends

Before you start negotiating, it’s essential to understand the current market trends. The housing market can fluctuate based on various factors such as economic conditions, interest rates, and local demand. 

Research the market conditions in your area to get a sense of whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market. In a seller’s market, where demand outstrips supply, you may have more leverage to negotiate a higher price. Whereas in a buyer’s market, you might need to be more flexible with your pricing.

Analysing comparable home sales

One of the most effective ways to determine a fair price for your home is to analyse comparable home sales in your area. Look at homes that are similar in size, condition, and location to yours and see what they have recently sold for. 

This will give you a realistic idea of what buyers are willing to pay. Estate agents can provide you with a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to help with this process.

Understanding your home’s value

Understanding your home’s value goes beyond just looking at comparable sales. Consider any unique features or upgrades that your home has, which might justify a higher price. Factors such as a new kitchen, an additional bathroom, or a well-maintained garden can add significant value. Additionally, consider any repairs or improvements that might be needed and how they might affect the price.

Speak to estate agents

Estate agents have a wealth of knowledge about the local property market and can provide valuable insights into pricing and negotiation strategies. Speak to multiple agents to get different perspectives and find one that you trust. A good estate agent can help you set a realistic asking price and guide you through the negotiation process.

Strategies for effective house price negotiation

Having a clear strategy in place can make the negotiation process smoother and more effective.

Knowing your bottom line

Before entering negotiations, it’s crucial to know your bottom line – the absolute minimum price you’re willing to accept. This will help you stay firm during negotiations and avoid making hasty decisions under pressure. Consider your financial situation, the cost of moving, and any other expenses to determine this figure.

Determine your minimum acceptable price

Your minimum acceptable price might be slightly above your bottom line to give you some wiggle room in negotiations. By setting this figure, you can negotiate more effectively and have a clear understanding of when to walk away if an offer is too low.

Understanding buyer psychology

Understanding the psychology of buyers can give you an edge in negotiations. Buyers want to feel like they are getting a good deal and often have emotional attachments to certain features of a home. Highlighting the unique selling points of your home and being aware of what buyers are looking for can help you negotiate more effectively.

What is the negotiation process?

The negotiation process involves several steps, each of which requires careful consideration and strategy.

Understanding your offers

When you receive an offer, take the time to understand it fully. Consider not just the price, but also any conditions attached, such as the buyer’s financing situation or their desired closing date. An offer with fewer contingencies might be more appealing than a higher offer with several conditions.

Deciding whether to start high or low

Deciding on your initial asking price is a strategic decision. Some sellers prefer to start high to leave room for negotiation, while others start at a more competitive price to attract more interest and potentially receive multiple offers. Consider the market conditions and your urgency to sell when making this decision.

Setting the tone for negotiation

Setting the right tone at the beginning of negotiations can influence the entire process. Approach negotiations with a cooperative attitude rather than an adversarial one. Being respectful and open to discussions can help build rapport with the buyer and lead to a more successful outcome.

Responding to counteroffers

When a buyer makes a counteroffer, respond thoughtfully and strategically. Consider the buyer’s position and be prepared to make concessions if it means reaching a satisfactory agreement. However, ensure that any concessions are within your acceptable range and do not compromise your bottom line.

Overcoming negotiation challenges

Negotiations can present various challenges, but with the right approach, you can overcome them effectively.

Handling lowball offers

Receiving a lowball offer can be frustrating, but it’s important not to dismiss it outright. Instead, respond professionally and use it as an opportunity to negotiate. Thank the buyer for their offer and counter with a price closer to your asking price, highlighting the value of your home.

Responding without losing potential buyers

Even if an offer is lower than you hoped, responding with a counteroffer keeps the negotiation alive. By remaining engaged and showing willingness to negotiate, you maintain the buyer’s interest and increase the chances of reaching a mutually agreeable price.

Turning low offers into opportunities

Low offers can sometimes be turned into opportunities by identifying what the buyer values most. For example, if a buyer is concerned about the cost of repairs, consider offering to cover some of the repair costs or adjust the price accordingly. Flexibility can turn a low offer into a sale.

Dealing with difficult buyers

Difficult buyers can make negotiations challenging, but staying calm and professional is key. Listen to their concerns, address them where possible, and remain firm on your bottom line. If negotiations become too difficult, don’t be afraid to walk away and wait for a more suitable buyer.


Negotiating the best price for your home requires preparation, strategy, and an understanding of buyer psychology. By researching the market, setting a realistic price, and approaching negotiations with a cooperative attitude, you can increase your chances of achieving a successful sale. Remember, every negotiation is unique, and being flexible and responsive to offers can turn challenges into opportunities.

It’s important to note that mortgages are significant financial commitments, and understanding the implications of your selling price on your future plans is crucial. Always seek professional advice if you are unsure about any aspect of the process. 

Sett Mortgages can support you through this journey, offering expert advice on how to best negotiate your home’s price and guidance on remortgaging options to align with your financial goals. Contact us today to learn more.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

Your home or property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.